Despite the fact that he began painting at the age of 55, turning his love of drawing into an activity that paid off, beginning in Montevideo, Uruguay in the workshop of master Sisto Pascale.

With more than 50 collective exhibitions in Mexico and the USA, and five individual ones, Gasque is a versatile and creative painter in the abstract and perfectionist, obsessive with the figurative realist in which he is inspired by contemporary situations and attitudes, influenced by contemporary pop art.

He strives to create works that reflects the beauty and harmony of colors and textures, without falling into commonplaces and classic or repeated clichés, always contributing something new, in keeping with his nonconformity and his tenacious search to develop his own style, his stamp, his contribution.

Having painted for nine years, he hardly spends a day that he is not in front of an easel for two to four hours. His colors are lively and intrepid, it’s daring forms appeal to the taste of those who are not satisfied with a generic pattern, a mass style or academic rules, the rebellion in the lines of his abstracts or contemporary essays, contrast with his meticulous drawing of light colors and shadows of his realisms.

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