Matter constitutes an infinite possibility. It contains the potential of meaning, and allows the exchange between the different meanings of my spirituality and my social reality.

From the exploration and research of the physical and chemical behavior of the materials, I have found a language that allows me to create, from the installations and paintings, ways of contact with the intangible, with my own nature and sensitivity.

In my work, transparencies, collapsed bodies and cores represent mirages of ideas that are contained in matter itself; the paint, the varnishes and the resins are sensory detonators that are expressed through the artistic process, and allow me to have body and emotional experiences.

Regarding the materials that I use, I usually find them in my daily life: industrial materials that I subtract from their contexts to give them other meanings in the process of self-discovery that is reflected in abstract forms, in the colour palettes and in the oxidation and acidification processes that constitute the tools for the creation of sensitive narratives
as a reading of my reality.

art work

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